10 Creative Ideas to Celebrate National Pet Month in Style

May is National Pet Month, an entire month dedicated to all of the wonderful benefits pets bring to our lives.

On our very best days, our pets are right there alongside us to share in our happy memories. On our not-so-great days, they are still there, quietly and loyally showing us love and support when we need it most. So, how can we ever celebrate dog and show them our gratitude for their seemingly endless supply of unconditional love?

While we can all agree that pets deserve to be properly celebrated every day of the year, we will gladly take an entire pet month to shower our best friends in love.

celebrate dog- pet and owner portrait
Here are 10 creative ways to celebrate National Pet Month with your best friend.

  1. Take a trip with them: Do dogs miss people? Of course, they do, especially when you go on vacation without them! If your best friend loves to hit the open road, plan a weekend away that is designed just for them. Nothing says happy national pet day like staying at dog-friendly hotels, which are popping up across the country every day, with special accommodations to spoil them like comfy beds, pampering services and tasty treats just for them. Plus, they are usually located in dog-friendly towns with patios and shops they can enjoy with you. 
  1. Plan a staycation adventure: If traveling isn’t in the cards for you or you have a pet that isn’t allowed at hotels, there are plenty of ways to have fun in your town. Take dogs to a dog-friendly trail, state park or just outdoors to a place you’ve both never been to give your pet a change of scenery. New sights and smells can open up a whole new world for an animal, stimulating and engaging their mind and senses beyond what we as humans can even imagine. Experiencing them together can be extra special.
  1. Plan a “spaw” day: If there’s one thing pets love, it’s having your undivided attention and affection. First, put on a YouTube playlist designed to relax your specific animal (there is something for every pet out there) and let the soothing sounds ease their worries. Next, get creative with massage and grooming techniques out of their ordinary routine. Human touch is so important to animals and you may just be pleasantly surprised about how much they enjoy this. Lastly, don’t forget the post-service treat.
  1. Make a healthy treat: One of the easiest ways to bond with your pet is through food and, despite what you may believe, many unprocessed and healthy human foods are good for animals too. Take a shopping trip just for them and put together a snack plate of extra special treats they don’t get regularly. If you’re feeling ambitious, look up a more extensive recipe with these ingredients. Before you give them any human foods, check with your vet to make sure they are safe.

  2. Order custom dog wall art: Show your love to your pet and share it with the world with a custom portrait of your favorite view in the world, your pet. Either choose your favorite photo of them or take a brand-new snapshot of them being their cute selves, upload it and choose a style and frame that best fits their personality. Choose a special spot in your home to display your new favorite piece of art proudly. If art isn’t your thing, then maybe consider custom dog mugs!
    national pet month - pet portrait
  3. Rent a SniffSpot: SniffSpots, also known as Airbnbs for dogs, are a safe and fun option for dogs who may prefer a more private play place, those who have reactive tendencies or pups who don’t have a yard of their own to explore. Spots are easy to book, are vetted by the app, offer various amenities and are thoroughly reviewed by other dog parents when it comes to safety, cleanliness and fun had at the spot.

  4. Schedule a professional photo shoot: If you’re like most pet parents, your camera roll is probably full of photos of your pet doing adorable things like just existing. Planning a photoshoot with a professional photographer who specializes in animal photography can take your photos up a notch and is a fun way to capture you interacting together. The resulting photographs will be a keepsake to treasure forever. 

  5. Plan a pet party: If you’re lucky enough to have a circle of friends who love their pets as much as you do, they will likely be into the idea of attending a pet-themed party in celebration of National Pet Month. If it’s safe to do so, get your pets together for a play session during the party to celebrate dog. Or choose an animal for a fun theme and a special way to honor each of your pets in their unique way.

  6. Upgrade their gear: If it’s been a while since you’ve gotten your pet a new bed or accessories like leashes, food bowls or blankets, National Pet Month is a great excuse to do so. Pick one item to upgrade or go the full mile and get several new things that will enhance their quality of life. If you’re on a budget, gently used items are still new to your pet and will be just as appreciated.

  7. Volunteer for a nonprofit: Pet parents are a special bunch and there are many worthy organizations that need your animal-loving heart and helping hands to further their mission. If you can spare a couple of hours or have a special talent they can use, find a local nonprofit that helps your favorite animals and volunteer for a great cause. 

While providing the necessities and a safe and loving home for your pet is more than enough to be an incredible pet parent, it can be fun to go the extra mile every so often to further the special bond we have with our pets. Bringing a pet into your home and family is a commitment for the lifetime of your pet, and in return, they share love and endless fun. They deserve the world and since May is National Pet Month try to think of at least one small way to reciprocate all that they give us.