Fancy Dog Portraits: 10 Ways To Make Your Dog Into a Noble

Although custom pet paintings have branched out to cover other genres (like sports and pop culture), one of the original and most loved and requested styles continues to be the renaissance period. The dichotomy between our beloved pets and the fancy, regal attire of that period somehow just makes a perfect combination of seriousness and fun.
Ultimately, our pets really do rule our lives, so it only makes sense that we showcase them as the royals they are. Instead of just seeing these pet paintings online or at friends’ houses, why not have one commissioned for your own furry best friend? This article showcases 10 unique ways to create a "noble" pet portrait of your dog. You're sure to find a style that perfectly matches both your aesthetic and your pet's personality.
#1) The Noble
We’ll start with “The Noble,” since this is an article about making your dog into one! By definition, a noble is someone who has a high status in society. These fine specimens are considered kind, virtuous, and good. If that sounds like your dog, this is likely the pet painting for you!
The Noble is one of our original offerings, and it features your dog’s perfect, regal face on only the finest of attire like only they deserve. The painting has a way of giving your dog a way to externally show that special air of elegance that we all know they hold on the inside.
#2) The Count
The Count is another one of our more noble favorites. And no, this doesn’t refer to Count Dracula! There’s nothing scary about this pet painting, and we think it is extra special because it really showcases the fact that your pet is the head of the household. Let’s be honest. We’re lucky that our pets let us live in the home with them. They’re such kind, benevolent creatures that all that ask is that we pay them our fair share of taxes in the form of treats, head pats, and new toys. You know the saying… it’s our dog’s home, they just let us think we own it.
#3) The Lord and Lady
Many pet households aren’t just home to one dog--they usually come in pairs! If there are two special pets in your life, why have to choose which one you have painted? For homes that have both a male and female dog, have your bonded pair featured together in classic, renaissance attire as The Lord and Lady. Your pets make a great team, and their bond can be shown in full color and displayed on your wall with honor and prominence--only the best for these regal rulers of the homestead, no bones about it.
#4) The Rulers
If you have more than one pet that you want to have painted, and they are both boys, there are still plenty of options that include them both together. For instance, if you want to show their regal attitudes in one, unique renaissance painting, you should strongly consider having them painted together as The Rulers. The Rulers dresses your pets up in full, royal, colorful robes, which allows them to be seen as the regal good boys that they are. There’s no question that they rule your heart, and this pet painting will let them capture the hearts of anyone who comes into the home, as well.
#5) The Dame
Much like the famous Dame Judi Dench, “Dames” are often considered to have very similar characteristics and personalities. They mostly have a calm, sophisticated attitude that still demands respect and attention. When they walk into the room, people stand up and watch. If this sounds like your dog, you’ll love The Dame as much as we do. This custom pet painting simply screams regal, showcasing your pet’s unique personality and nature.
#6) The Dutchess
Similar to The Dame, The Dutchess is meant for only the noblest of pets. Dressed up in classic, renaissance attire, The Dutchess benevolently rules over the household. When you have visitors, that fact will be immediately obvious to anyone who sees it. Let your dog look on and protect you and the home from their throne over the mantle. Just because they are regal, doesn’t mean they can’t protect you from dangers (like the mailman)!
#7) The Queen Regent
The Queen Regent is another one of our noble favorites, although many people are unsure exactly what a queen regent is. By definition, a queen regent is someone that steps in for a queen and rules in her stead.
If you’ve owned a pet before, you’ll likely know exactly what that feels like. Pet loss is hard, and we all know that a new pet will never replace the one that you’ve lost. But when you make the decision to open your heart and let a new pet in, it doesn’t mean that they aren’t a queen in their own right. They both occupy important space in your heart, so celebrate that love by having your new baby painted as The Queen Regent.
#8) The Three Queens
When two queens just aren’t enough, feature your special, royal girls together as The Three Queens. Each of your precious sweethearts will be dressed in their own, regal clothing, standing strong together. Even though your queens are pack animals, they each hold court in their own, special way. Why not have them painted together like they deserve? They spend all of their time together in real life, and shouldn’t be split up when painted as the works of art they truly are. Long live The Three Queens!
#9) The Heiress
The Heiress wasn’t born in the lap of luxury, she inherited it. She appreciates and enjoys her life, which is filled with all of the finer things: nice toys, top of the line food, fancy collars, and all the snuggles and headpats she could want. Featuring your fancy lady wearing only the most elegant clothing, it will be obvious to everyone who enters your home that she only hangs out with the most high class people. And your sweet baby deserves that type of respect, right? We think so, and so will everyone else once they see this unique pet painting on the wall of your home.
#10) The Countess
Last but certainly not least is The Countess. The Countess looks on from her throne, watching over her land and loyal subjects. Although she rules the home, she’s nice enough to let you think that you have a little bit of power as well. She’s a benevolent leader, asking only for her fair share of whatever you’re eating and a spot at the foot of the bed. Honor your pet’s kind, noble nature by hanging a pet painting of her over the bed or over the mantle. Let everyone who enters your home know who’s really in charge, not that there was any doubt. This pet painting can even be commissioned with The Count, and hung next to each other on the wall.
There are so many ways to showcase your royal, regal pet as the ruler of the household that they truly are. Although we’ve featured just 10 today, there are even more options on our website so that you can find the exact, perfect match for your pet’s personality. It’s a piece of artwork that you’ll truly love and cherish for years to come. Have one commissioned of your furry friend today!